Tuesday, August 24, 2010

ONCE,,you guys

Dah lama kot tak post belog, selalu je macam ni. Bila ade post je cakap weh rase macam lame tak post belog than bla bla bla. Malang betol belog ini dapat tuan yang begitu terok dan tidak caring menjenguk beliau tiap2 hari dan bagi dia makan even tiga kali seminggu. BLOG JUGAK KENA PUASA. Kena jadi solehah dan baek macam tuan dia. Hekhek. Hurm, urghhh,. Pathetic nye hidup macam ni.

Eyh, saya ada something untuk kamu, awak dan juga dia. Hurm lagi.

ONCE, the guy I adored
always lending his ears
and say I'm all ears, then spill
my shoulder is always there for u

ONCE, 0ther guy that amused me
got the weapons
to wrecked me out into pieces
in every single words that he write

ONCE, the dude that make my day
is the one who gave me his warm smiles
to face all the dark days
and he didn't even realize it

Once and always
I really hope the one guy
who will dwell in my life
never just squatter
will have all the once
and never just once,
forever, light up my days
bring me to HIM
say I'm with you
now and ever
and I pray we will be together in jannah, the one dude.

Hari ni dah selesai presentation, tak sangka pulak kACIP FATIMAH aku tu sangat digemari ramai. Wakaka. And Muiz im sorry aku tak bagi TONGKAT ALI. Aku tak minum. Hukhek.

SoSaying: Okay, papai!

5 mereka kata:

Muiz Nasrallah said...

Aku pun tak minum tongkat Ali. Haha. Aku muda lagi. Kuat semulajadi. :D

little lady~ said...

Gatei weh ko ni. Kuat semulajadi konon. Haha.


emirhasnan said...

tak minum tongkat ali.

minum kopi jantan.heh

little lady~ said...

eh,, ye ke?

Okay *,*

Muiz Nasrallah said...

Haha. kopi jantan pun tak.

Gatai ke? Aku biasa2 je. hehe